Great Lakes Medicaid, Inc.
GLM’s Leadership Team is extremely knowledgeable, experienced and effectively communicates with our clients and patients.
Our Patient Advocacy teams consisting of On-Site Patient Advocates and Off-Site Case Managers provide a professional all-inclusive Medicaid Eligibility assistance service. Along with our Field Investigators and Appeals Team, our Patient Advocates form a bridge, to work together towards a common goal, achieving successful results for each patient we engage.
From our home base in Chicago, we have expanded our Medicaid Eligibility services to include First and Second Placements, Emergency Department Self-Pay Patient Screening, On and Off-Site Patient Advocate Teams and many other customizable solutions to meet our client’s needs. Our patient centered strategies allow us to better serve our hospitals throughout the Chicagoland area.
We perform services in the following areas: First Placement Medicaid Eligibility Services, Secondary Medicaid Placements (Denials & Non-Cooperative Patients), Emergent Need Cases, Emergency Department Self-Pay Screening, Add Babies, Complex Babies, Backdating, Spenddown Cases, Name/Gender/Date of Birth Corrections, Out-of-State Medicaid Eligibility, SSI/SSDI Eligibility Services and Marketplace assistance and enrollment.
Great Lakes Medicaid has identified the need to screen Self-Pay patients seen in the Emergency Room or Outpatient setting for Medicaid Eligibility. We have expanded services to include screening this self-pay patient population utilizing On-Site or Off-Site Patient Advocate screening teams to employ best practices to target higher patient volumes, achieving increased patient engagements and higher success rates.
Unique Eligibility Services: Over 35 years of experience with Out-of-State Medicaid Eligibility in ALL 50 states, specializing in Indiana Medicaid eligibility. What sets us apart is our in depth understanding of Indiana Medicaid’s Presumptive Eligibility (PE), Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), and FSSA application processes.

Technology Mobilized
Patient Screening Technology Assistance: GLM mobilizes On-Site Patient Advocates with tablets to expedite the Self-Pay screening process bedside. GLM’s optimized software includes an electronic screening form, e-signature capture, patient documents scanned bedside and exporting documents real time to CBO.
GLM’s Advanced Proprietary Software: Our system is tailored to the specificity of our clients requests, able to track any metric or outcome and provide data analytics. Our adaptive technology gives us the ability to provide customizable dashboard reporting while managing our clients’ needs all while electronically importing and exporting referrals and notes.
Keys to Our Success
Leadership and Teamwork is Key! Our leadership and Patient Advocate Teams work seamlessly together, coordinating efforts in order to provide patients’ with quality engagement and support during the entire Medicaid application process.
Another key to our success is deploying quality Field Investigators equipped with mobile technology, utilized in acquiring documents and signatures to gain patient cooperation in the home from those patients who are initially uncooperative.
We are the leading national multilingual agency for Medicaid Eligibility Services and SSI/SSDI Reimbursement with 35+ years of unrivaled experience.
We are committed to providing the highest quality of service to our hospitals. Contact us to learn more.
Unmatched Excellence in Service
We strive to provide a seamless experience for our patients and clients which is why we have created various teams to assist in specific needs that may arise. GLM is equipped with on and off site Advocates, bilingual patient advocates, appeal specialists and a field team, which allows us to scale our services. All on-site teams utilize a tablet that our software engineer has adapted to facilitate electronic patient screening, patient application submittal and document procurement.
A key to our success is our flexibility. Each client has unique needs, and GLM adapts to meet those unique needs. We can provide on-site staff, full-time coverage (including weekends), or tailor our program to perform all eligibility services or to supplement in-house staff in order to meet any of the unique challenges presented by our clients. We can also adapt our computer reports and interactions to each client, due to our proprietary computer system.